How to be a confident tall woman (even if you feel anything but).

I never used to confess the full extent of my tallness. When asked, I would sheepishly claim that I was five-eleven (a five-foot-something number felt acceptably feminine), and never let myself within a hundred yards of a tape measure. I’d tell boyfriends that I had size-eight feet, because the idea that I was in ‘men’s’ sizes felt sure to make them run for the hills. To keep up the deception, I’d avoid any bowling or ice skating venue that deemed it appropriate to clumsily write the shoe size in Tippex on the top of the toes (a savvy move for busy staff, a nightmare for a teenage girl with a complex). I’d only ever wear flat shoes; Nike Air Maxes with a flowery dress to school discos, before progressing to those weird “flat wedge” sandals as sixthform nights out became a thing. I’d despair if someone else picked up my jacket and said “ooh…Tall… this must be Laura’s”, to the point that I used to take scissors to my clothing labels as soon as I returned from Oxford Circus. 

And yet here I am, with a large-size shoe brand, banging on about my tallness like it’s practically my personality. (I’d like to promise you here that it’s definitely not — despite my online preoccupation with it). So, how did I get here? And is it possible for you too? 

First things first: my love of being tall and desire to chat about it came long before the days of Otto + Ivy, so this isn’t an orchestrated show of self-love purely for financial gain. (I’m the sort of cynical person who jumps to these conclusions too, so I felt the need to get that buried early on). Instead, I started emerging from my faux-five-eleven-chrysalis in my late teens and early twenties, just prior to launching my previous blog All the Tall things, and just after a life spent praying I’d stop.bloody.growing. 

Some of this acceptance has happened naturally. Some of it has happened with the help of friends or my own self-help research. Other parts of this rebirth have taken a lot of hard work. So here’s my definitive guide for building your confidence and self-esteem as a tall woman. Some things might feel out of your comfort zone. But give them a bloody go. 


Get a tape measure out and find out, once and for all, what height you are. Own it. 

Smile when someone asks you your height and deliver the news confidently. Remain firm when a man says “No way. You can’t be 6’3 because I’m 6’3.” You’ve measured, you know. Suggest he does too. 

I used to think that a six-foot-something number sounded ogre-like. Now I’ve realised — particularly when I declare it without shuddering — that it actually sounds impossibly chic. It’s up there with effortlessly tousled top-knots and perfectly applied eyeliner. It’s unattainable. It’s met with awe and curiosity. It’s sexy and other-worldly. 

Say it into the mirror while wearing your very favourite outfit and smiling seductively. “I’m [insert height here]. Revel in the power of it. 


I grew up feeling like I was the only tall girl in the world. I was the tallest girl at my school, tallest girl at my university, tallest at work. I genuinely wondered if there was anyone else out there that that was constantly grabbing biscuits and teabags from the top shelves of supermarkets for old ladies. 

Now there are whole Facebook communities stuffed full of us, helping each other find longline blazers and bemoaning sun visors in the car for looming dangerously low. (And there are those having the odd slanging match in the comments over what constitutes very tall. Obviously I’m going to remain balanced and open-hearted about this. But the sane among us know it’s not five-foot-f***ing-nine).

Join them and know what it is to feel normal (most are private groups and provide a lovely, well monitored safe-space for you to share/inspire/rant/support). 
I recommend Tallternative Retail for a lovely community and lots of suggestions for tall clothing and shoes in larger sizes. 

I’ve met and spoken to a lot of tall women in my life. The ones that loved it all had one thing in common; they had the odd similarly tall friend or family member who was a true ally. If you don’t, then seek them out. 


In my thirties, I started to become very aware of how certain people in my life made me feel, and how much space I actually wanted them to occupy in my world. If someone is making you feel really sh*t about your height (a boyfriend’s friend, a brother-in-law, a best friend), then consider reducing the amount of time you spend in their company. If your other relationships dictate that this would become a problem, then perhaps have a word with your mutual friends and ask them to support you by standing up for you or having a private chat with your aggressor. If they don’t see it as a big deal, then perhaps you need to cut ties with more people than you thought. 

Instead, gravitate towards people that make you feel unstoppable, that build you up, help you see the good in things, don’t complain when you wear heels, and give you a playful dig when you’re being a dickhead. Be with people who allow you to be vulnerable, who acknowledge your insecurities but don’t allow you to dwell on them, and will fight your corner if need be. It can take decades to find these people, but when you do, you’ll know. 

If you still want to spend time with someone whose constant digs at your height are wearing thin, then calmly but firmly tell them how it makes you feel. Their response will tell you everything you need to know. 


There are people all over the world fighting very hard to make their presence known. You are not one of them. You walk into a room and people notice you. You are born with a presence. Do the preparation, research and work before you step into that interview, presentation or meeting. But know that one of the most important things is already taken care of. And don’t you dare slouch for anyone. 

If you work in an industry — such as entertainment — where your physical appearance is a key part of your work, make height your thing. If you’re an actress who’s often overlooked for roles because everyone in Eastenders is 5’3, don’t shy away from it. Make sure every casting director in town knows that you’re the tall girl, so that when a role comes along that does need a tall woman (Hello Brienne of Tarth or Wonderwoman), you’re the first name that springs to mind. Yes, there are less roles, but there is also less competition. Use your niche. Use and abuse it. 


There will be people that don’t fancy you because of your height. There will be people who can’t bear the idea of dating someone taller than them. Yes, it can be heart-wrenching, and yes, it might take a while for you to find your someone. But those red flags are very easy to spot from up here. Weed out the no-hopers early. There honestly will be people who think your height is the sexiest thing about you. There will be people who have a strong enough character to know that height difference really doesn’t matter. Stop wondering if you’re too tall for them and start wondering if they’re good enough for you. I promise the perfect partner is out there. Don’t beat yourself up while you’re looking. 


I’m not the sportiest woman in the world, but I do know that my height offers me a real advantage in this area. There are the obvious things, like netball, high-jump, volley ball and rowing. But we also tend to be good at lifting, climbing and running. If running isn’t your thing, then get out there and walk; the wonderful thing about power-walking is that we can cover almost twice as much ground as the average woman. 

Engaging with physical exercise and sport, and encouraging your tall kids to do the same, will help you and them to instantly see the benefits that come with this tall stature. 

When you start to notice how your body gives you strength and speed, you’ll feel more at peace with it, rather than having a desperate desire to shrink it. Join a local netball team (you’re never too old), badger your friends into doing a rock-climbing class, take a hike… and remind yourself about your physical advantage. 


This is a really important one. How many times have you heard people say “you make me feel short”, “you don’t need to wear heels” etc etc? And how many times have these comments informed the way you dress? 

This is probably the toughest one to conquer, but it’s so liberating when you do. There is a simple rule; wear exactly what you WANT to wear, not what you think you SHOULD wear. If anything creeps into your mind about an outfit being too showy or a heel being too high, ask yourself why any of that matters. Are you dressing for you, or other people? Are you wearing an outfit you love, or an outfit that will make your partner or friends feel more comfortable? 

And remember that everything worn with confidence looks better, so believe in yourself and how good you look. 


Most therapists have been through some sort of trauma themselves. Sorting out other people’s sh*t is exceedingly therapeutic. I wasn’t entirely self-accepting when I started All the Tall things, but encouraging other women helped me to really battle my own insecurities. I was talking to them, but I was also giving myself a good old pep-talk too. 

Abby Dufficy (@mytall40s) literally instagrammed her way out of height-hatred. She starting sharing fashion finds, encouraging other women to love their height, and suddenly realised that she could and did love it too. 

Hype your online tall sisters, help a tall teenager feel beautiful. It’s great for them and even better for you. The words you say matter. Make sure they’re positive and up-lifting and that you’re not constantly putting yourself down. 


Far from being depressing, this realisation was one of the most liberating I made as a tall girl in my late teens. You can change pretty much everything else about yourself, but you CANNOT change your height. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the energy you spend hating it is wasted. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. That’s not very efficient is it? 


God it’s a cliche but God it’s so applicable here. 

Not everyone you meet will have a complex about being short, but you’ll spot the ones who do. They tend to say things like “Do you like being tall? Because my friend’s tall and she hates it.”

Not everyone will be jealous of you, but those that do may say something like “Do you find it difficult to get men to date you?” 

And not everyone wishes they were taller, but those that do will say “God I’m glad I’m not that tall.”

Basically ladies, I’m sorry to say that you have some obvious physical advantages in sport, the workplace and in head-turning abilities, and some people will f**cking hate you for it. 


One day, when you’re out, feeling confident, wearing heels, dating a shorter man, laughing and joking like you haven’t a care in the world, a tall teenage girl will see you. She’ll notice that you don’t slouch, how you’re not giving a sh*t about what other people think of you, and how you carry yourself. And she’ll stand a little straighter too. Don’t let her miss out on that. 

Laura xx


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As a 13 year old girl who is 5’9, I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin. I felt that my height ruined my attractivness and being tall just didn’t suit me. I had people constantly tell me that they loved my height and they found it pretty, but I would never listen. I would beat myself up, cry to the point where I became sick, and honestly just dreaded living like this. I have friends who are relativly tall (5’7, 5’8) but they have never made me feel good about it. They never commented about my height, but it made me jealous. “Why do they get to be shorter while I’m like this.” And my shorter friends would make me feel masculine, like I wasn’t a girl, with comments like, “It’s sad you weren’t born a boy,” “Pick me up!” “Bigfoot”. And I never felt porportional. I have a short torso, long legs, and I’m a US size 8. My height was just making me feel uncomfortable. But I’ve come to the realization that I can’t change it. Unless I cut my legs, (my parents won’t let me, if I could, I would) I would never be shorter and this was just how I have to live. Now, when people ask me why I’m so tall, I tell them “because I was blessed by god”, and if someone commented saying I’m a giant, “I know right?” I’m still not entirely confident in my height, but fake it till you make it! Thank you for this article, I’m happy to know I’m not the only one with this situation


Thank you. As a 5’10, 16 year old in high school my life hasn’t always been filled with the up most confidence. But as a read your blog I felt seen, safe, and appreciated. The last paragraph you wrote really resonated with me, and I dare I say the water works were most definitely there. My 5’4 mother and 4’9 grandmother never made me feel seen. They were very encouraging of my height however I just never felt that there was anyway anyone would want my height. But reading your blog changed my perspective. So thank you. For writing this. For all the tall BEAUTIFUL females. For all the people that made me feel ashamed of my height. Without them I never would’ve found your page. So thank you. To everyone. From now on I will stand tall, with my shoulders back and sitting straight. I am proud of my height, and you should be too!


Hello Laura ,thank you I enjoyed very much reading your blog.I wish I had read it when I was a young girl ,and teenager and cried many tears in private ,I tried never to let anyone see I was upset ,when people said all the things to me that hurt and stung me badly .
I am now 79 years old and very happy and still probably 6’1",tho maybe just 6’ think I have shrunk my jeans are a bit long now haha.
I did learn to ignore ,and answer back ,like don’t stand next to me then bugger off ,and you are small etc.
I was married at just 20 yrs have three beautiful daughters all just under 6"very happy all married with children ,husband much the same height as me ,very happy wonderful man ,became widow ,met my now partner love him too he is 6’6" used to be 6’7" ,I love to look up to him.
I am and have been a very lucky ,and blessed tall woman and very proud.
Thank you Laura ,very Best Wishes Ann
Elizabeth Ann

Ann. Mawdsley

Thank you for writing this! I stumbled here after googling, “how to feel confident as a tall woman” after photos of me towering over other people in a newspaper article spoiled my mood. Your line about height being unattainable is such a nice perspective. Thanks a million!


Hi Laura. I’m a 6’3ft lady and I honestly haven’t met any lady taller than me on ground since I was born. I like wearing heels but I don’t because I do not want to intimidate my friends and I’m really shy and slouch sometimes because of the attention Always on me. I just finished your article and i must say I feel really confident to step out of my shell now and do better. I have allowed so many opportunities pass me by because of fear of being too tall and not fitting in instead of aspiring to stand out. Oh do not even get me started on dating😅, I haven’t even had a proper boyfriend and I’m in my 20s. All I get is short guys with a fetish of tall women.


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